Soul mates? Soul mates!

Oh.. totally synchronized all the days and situations with them.
My youtube app recommended me this scene.. ok good job youtube.. -_-

“It was a lovely uneventful Saturday morning. Three lattes, two newspapers and… one dating service application.”

Um me.

“Dear Single. Single? You don’t even have a name?”
“Well.. I’m single. I don’t deserve one.”
“Soul mates only exists in the hallmark I’ll in Duane Reade drugs”

“Age check box. 20 to 25. 25 to 30. 30 to 34”
“Oh no not. After next week.. birthday girl~~ 35”
“35 to 44”
“Honey. Welcome to my box”

Um me.

“..Soul mate. Reality or torture device?”

“Don’t laugh at me but maybe we could be each other’s soul mates. And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with.”
“Well. That sounds like it”
“I’m 35. 35 is not 25.”
“Thank God”
“I’m thirty five…”
“Shut the fuck up I’m a hundred forty.”

Um me. (Thank Samantha.)

“As Big’s car drove away, I realized having three soul mates already nailed down made it a lot easier to spot those great nice guys to have fun with.”

Ummmm totally me.

I already have great soul mates to have fun with.

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